
Various programming stuff

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Adding a delay to Django HTTP responses

Sometimes you’d like to make your Django views more slow by adding a fake delay. This may sound controversial (why would somebody want to make some of his views slower) however it is a real requirement, at least when developing an application.

For example, you may be using a REST API and you want to implement a spinner while your form is loading. However, usually when developing your responses will load so soon that you won’t be able to admire your spinner in all its glory! Also, when you submit a POST form (i.e a form that changes your data), it is advisable to disable your submit button so that when your users double click it the form won’t be submitted two times (it may seem strange to some people but this is a very common error that has bitten me many times; there are many users that think that they need to double click the buttons; thus I always disable my submit buttons after somebody clicks them); in this case you also need to make your response a little slower to make sure that the button is actually disabled!

I will propose two methods for adding this delay to your responses. One that will affect all (or most) your views using a middleware and another that you can add to any CBV you want using a mixin; please see my previous CBV guide for more on Django CBVs and mixins. For the middleware solution we’ll also take a quick look at what is the Django middleware mechanism and how it can be used to add functionality.

Using middleware

The Django middleware is a mechanism for adding your own code to the Django request / response cycle. I’ll try to explain this a bit; Django is waiting for an HTTP Request (i.e GET a url with these headers and these query parameters), it will parse this HTTP Request and prepare an HTTP Response (i.e some headers and a Payload). Your view will be the main actor for retrieving the HTTP response and returning the HTTP request. However, using this middleware mechanism Django allows you to enable other actors (the middleware) that will universally modify the HTTP request before passing it to your view and will also modify the view’s HTTP respone before sending it back to the client.

Actually, a list of middleware called … MIDDLEWARE is defined by default in the settings.py of all new Django projects; these are used to add various capabilities that are universally needed, for example session support, various security enablers, django message support and others. You can easily attach your own middleware to that list to add extra functionality. Notice that the order of the middleware in the MIDDLEWARE list actually matters. Middleware later in the list will be executed after the ones previous in the list; we’ll see some consequences of this later.

Now the time has come to take a quick look at how to implement a middleware, taken from the Django docs:

class SimpleMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response
        # One-time configuration and initialization.

    def __call__(self, request):
        # Code to be executed for each request before
        # the view (and later middleware) are called.

        response = self.get_response(request)

        # Code to be executed for each request/response after
        # the view is called.

        return response

Actually you can implement the middleware as a nested function however I prefer the classy version. The comments should be really enlightening: When your project is started the constructor (__init__) will be called once, for example if you want to read a configuration setting from the database then you should do it in the __init__ to avoid calling the database everytime your middleware is executed (i.e for every request). The __call__ is a special method that gets translated to calling this class instance as a function, i.e if you do something like:

sm = SimpleMiddleware()

Then sm() will execute the __call__; there are various similar python special methods, for example __len__, __eq__ etc

Now, as you can see the __call__ special method has four parts:

  • Code that is executed before the self.get_response() method is called; here you should modify the request object. Middleware will reach this point in the order they are listed.
  • The actual call to self.get_response()
  • Code that is executed after the self.get_response() method is called; here you should modify the response object. Middleware will reach this point in the reverse order they are listed.
  • Returning the response to be used by the next middleware

Notice that get_response will call the next middleware; while the get_response for the last middleware will actually call the view. Then the view will return a response which could be modified (if needed) by the middlewares in the opposite order of their definition list.

As an example, let’s define two simple middlewares:

class M1:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        print("M1 before response")
        response = self.get_response(request)
        print("M1 after response")
        return response

class M2:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        print("M2 before response")
        response = self.get_response(request)
        print("M2 after response")
        return response

When you define MIDDLEWARE = ['M1', 'M2'] you’ll see the following:

# Got the request
M1 before response
M2 before response
# The view is rendered to the response now
M2 after response
M1 after response
# Return the response

Please notice a middleware may not call self.get_response to continue the chain but return directly a response (for example a 403 Forbiden response).

After this quick introduction to how middleware works, let’s take a look at a skeleton for the time-delay middleware:

import time

class TimeDelayMiddleware(object):

    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        response = self.get_response(request)
        return response

This is really simple, I’ve just added an extra line to the previous middleware. This line adds a one-second delay to all responses. I’ve added it before self.get_response - because this delay does not depend on anything, I could have added it after self.get_response without changes in the behavior. Also, the order of this middleware in the MIDDLEWARE list doesn’t matter since it doesn’t depend on other middleware (it just needs to run to add the delay).

This middleware may have a little more functionality, for example to configure the delay from the settings or add the delay only for specific urls (by checking the request.path). Here’s how these extra features could be implemented:

import time
from django.conf import settings

class TimeDelayMiddleware(object):

    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response
        self.delay = settings.REQUEST_TIME_DELAY

    def __call__(self, request):
        if '/api/' in request.path:
        response = self.get_response(request)
        return response

The above will add the delay only to requests whose path contains '/api'. Another case is if you want to only add the delay for POST requests by checking that request.method == 'POST'.

Now, to install this middleware, you can configure your MIDDLEWARE like this in your settings.py (let’s say that you have an application named core containing a module named middleware):



The other middleware are the default ones in Django. One more thing to consider is that if you have a single settings.py this middleware will be called; one way to override the delay is to check for settings.DEBUG and only call time.sleep when DEBUG == True. However, the proper way to do it is to have different settings for your development and production environments and add the TimeDelayMiddleware only to your development MIDDLEWARE list. Having different settings for each development is a common practice in Django and I totally recommend to use it.

Using CBVs

Another method to add a delay to the execution of a view is to implement a TimeDelayMixin and inherit your Class Based View from it. As we’ve seen in the CBV guide, the dispatch method is the one that is always called when your CBV is rendered, thus your TimeDelayMixin could be implemented like this:

import time

class TimeDelayMixin(object, ):

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

This is very simple (and you can use similar techniques as described for the middleware above to configure the delay time or add the delay only when settings.DEBUG == True etc) - to actually use it, just inherit your view from this mixin, f.e:

class DelayedSampleListView(TimeDelayMixin, ListView):
    model = Sample

Now whenever you call your DelayedSampleListView you’ll see it after the configured delay!

What is really interesting is that the dispatch method actually exists (and has the same functionality) also in Django Rest Framework CBVs, thus using the same mixin you can add the delay not only your normal CBVs but also your DRF API views!
