
Various programming stuff

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HTML form disable after submit

One of the most common problems I get in my apps is double submissions of forms. A lot of users can’t understand the difference between single and double click and end up double clicking the form submit button. Also, if the form takes too long to submit they might thing that they didn’t press the button correctly and click it again.

This, depending on how your app is built could result in either working perfectly, or showing errors to users or (which is the worst) duplicate entries in your database.

There is a very simple fix for that: Disable the submit button after the first click. Here’s how to do it with jQuery:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('form').submit(function () {
        let submit = $(this).find(':input[type=submit]')
        submit.prop('disabled', true);
        if(submit.val()) {
            submit.val(submit.val() + ' ⌛' )
        } else {
            submit.html(submit.html() + ' ⌛')

and with vanilla.js if you don’t use jquery

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function (form) {
        form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
            let submit = this.querySelector('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]');
            submit.disabled = true;
            if(submit.value) {
                submit.value = submit.value + ' ⌛';
            } else {
                submit.innerHTML = submit.innerHTML + ' ⌛';

The above will find all forms and add an event listener to the submit event. When the form is submitted it will find the submit button and disable it. Finally, it adds a unicode hourglass character (⌛) to the displayed button text so the user gets a quick feedback that the form is being submitted.

The above snippets should work correctly no matter if you use an <input type="submit"> or a <button type="submit"> element (that’s why we use :input in jquery to capture both types of elements or we do the double check on the querySelector, also notice that it checks if the element has a val()/value and sets sets val()/value or html()/innerHTML accordingly).

I use the above snippet on every project I work on and it has saved me a lot of headaches. Please be advised that if you do funny JS things with your form this snippet may not work and break its functionality, but in this case you are probably handling the form disabling yourself.
